Full Moon Crystal Healing – with Mel from Beyond Yoga


Crystal Full Moon Sound Healing Schedule Cost $75 per person
All Classes & Workshops for our full Moon ceremony are prepaid and non refundable..

Full Moon Crystal sound Healing with Mel from Beyond Yoga. Mel is a certified yoga teacher (RYT-200) and certified in crystal alchemy sound healing, training with master sound healer Jeralyn Glass. Join us every full moon as we celebrate releasing the old and inviting the beautiful energy of the new full moon in with the spectacular sound of her voice and crystal sound. This ethereal experience cannot be duplicated anywhere and is a very special event. Please note : Classes are prepaid and refunds are not allowed. We also do not allow rescheduling. Mel’s crystal singing bowls are Crystal Tones brand, the highest quality crystal singing bowls on the market, made with the highest grade quartz crystal (99.99% pure) and are infused with earth elements (which is why they’re called alchemy bowls). Mel’s bowl set consists of seven crystal alchemy singing bowls built on the perfect 4th/5th music intervals which allow for multiple harmonic and binaural sounds to be played, which promote balance and deep relaxation of the mind and body.
  • 9” Tibetan quartz and copper, tuned to C#, 528Hz
  • 9” Salt, tuned to A#, 528Hz
  • 8” Charcoal, tuned to D#, 528Hz
  • 7” 18k gold, tuned to F#, 528Hz
  • 7” Rose quartz and gold, tuned to F, 440Hz (practitioner’s bowl)
  • 7” Iron oxide, tuned to G#, 440Hz
  • 6” Iron oxide, tuned to A#, 440Hz
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    Cacao Ceremony in our cave with Sarah


    Join us for a spiritual ritual that involves consuming ceremonial grade cacao in a group setting
    to facilitate connection, healing, and self exploration. This ritual originates from ancient Mayan
    and Aztec traditions and promotes mindfulness and personal growth.

    Class Schedule: February 18th @ 2pm

    Cost: $95 per person.

    Cacao Ceremony in our cave with Sarah

    In the spirit of the ancient traditions, this sacred circle and celebration centers
    around the sharing of a cacao elixir, known as the “food of the Gods.”


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    Chakra Clearing Class with Sarah


    Class Schedule: February 25th @ 1pm
    Cost: $55 per person.

    Class requirement:
    Bring your own yoga mat, a water bottle with no drip spout, and kindly remember we do not permit guests into our cave if they are wearing fragrances or perfumes of
    any kind including the smell of tobacco or cannabis products. Please wear socks and leave all electronics outside the salt cave

    Chakra Cleansing in our cave with Sarah

    If you’ve ever felt like your energy levels are out of sync or you’re struggling with physical or emotional symptoms, it might be time to explore the world of chakra
    Chakra cleansing is a holistic practice rooted in ancient yogic traditions that involves clearing and balancing the body’s energy centers, known as chakras. These spinning
    wheels of energy are believed to play a crucial role in our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
    There are seven major chakras to familiarize yourself with, each associated with a specific color, location, and set of qualities:

    Root Chakra (Muladhara): Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is associated with stability, security, and the physical body. Its color is typically
    represented as red.

    Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): Positioned just below the navel, the sacral chakra, which has an orange color. relates to creativity, emotions, and personal

    Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Having the color yellow and found in the upper abdomen area, this chakra governs personal power, self-esteem, and

    Heart Chakra (Anahata): Located in the chest, the heart chakra is associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. Its color is green.

    Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Situated at the throat, this chakra is linked to communication and self-expression. Its color is light blue.

    Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Positioned in the forehead between the eyes, the third eye chakra is related to intuition and perception. Its color is indigo.

    Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): The crown chakra represents spiritual connection and enlightenment. Its color is violet or white, and it’s located at the top of the

    Why Do I Need to Cleanse My Chakras?

    Understand why you need to cleanse your chakras, explore the profound interconnectedness of these energy centers within your physical, emotional, and
    spiritual health.

    Balance Your the Energy Flow

    Restore and balance the flow of energy within your body. Each chakra is associated with specific physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our lives.
    When energy centers become blocked or imbalanced, it disrupts the natural flow of energy. This imbalance can lead to a range of issues, both physical and emotional.


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    Sacred Listening Circle – with Margaret Coan


    Sacred Listening

    From Fear to Love

    Open your heart to healing. Our sacred circle is open to anyone and everyone. If you are struggling with grief, anxiety, loneliness or just need a space to find yourself again or maybe you know someone struggling with depression. Then this 2 hr experience is perfect. Margaret is a deeply compassionate mother of three sons, a caseworker for the homeless, and a bereavement counselor for hospice. She teaches at local and international ashrams and has given birth to her gift of creating and facilitating sacred listening groups designed to support those in time of transition.

    Our class schedule is:
    February 16th, March 1st , 15th & 29th, April 12th, 26th

    Class structure:
    A 2 hr session that includes body movement, meditation, art work, journaling and sharing.

    Required to participate:
    Spend time reflecting on what it is you desire to gain from participating in the sacred listening circle. What is your soul thirsting for? Write a small intention and bring it with you. It can be very simple or lengthy:-) its all up to what you feel you need. The $65 cost of the circle includes a work book “Sacred Listening from fear to Love” which we will supply you with. Bring journal if you want to, the work book does have space for writing but not journaling.

    If you would like to participate in a Sacred Listening Retreat please contact Margaret to get a list of current dates and times. you would like to participate in a Sacred Listening Retreat please contact Margaret to get a list of current dates and times.If you would like to participate in a Sacred Listening Retreat please contact Margaret to get a list of current dates and times.If you would like to participate in a Sacred Listening circlet please call us at 301-312-6377 or register here for the Friday early evening group online below


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